8. Configuration

When the Panel Meter Clock is connected to a computer using the USB connector you can use a Serial Terminal program to connect to the clock’s virtual serial COM port and configure the clocks settings.

Pressing the ESC key will pause the clock and enter the Configuration Menu. Press one of the keys listed to select a menu item or press the ‘q’ key or ESC to exit from menu and resume the clock.

Configuration Menu
'?' Show help again
'h' Hour meter adjust
'm' Minute meter adjust
'i' Increase PWM
'd' Decrease PWM
'n' Next hour/minute PWM
'p' Previous hour/minute PWM
'c' change color mode
's' Sweep minutes
't' Set time
'l' Set location
'w' Write to EEPROM
'q' Quit menu

Adjusting Hours

8.1. ? : Show help

Pressing the ? key will display the Configuration menu options.

8.2. h : Hour meter adjust

The h key will allow you to adjust the PWM setting for each hour of the Hour meter. Use the i key to increase the PWM setting for the currently selected hour and the d key to decrease the currently selected hour’s PWM setting. Decreasing the PWM setting will move the meters needle to the left while increasing the PWM setting will move the needle to the right.

Adjusting Hours
Adjusting hour: 0 pwm: 8

8.3. m : Minute meter adjust

The m key will allow you to adjust the PWM setting of the Minute meter in five minute increments. Use the i key to increase the PWM setting for the currently selected minute and the d key to decrease the currently selected minute’s PWM setting. Decreasing the PWM setting will move the meters needle to the left while increasing the PWM setting will move the needle to the right.

Adjusting Minutes
Adjusting Minute: 0 pwm: 8

8.4. i : Increase PWM

The i key will increase the PWM setting of the currently selected minute or hour. Increasing the PWM setting will move the needle to the right.

Adjusting hour: 0 pwm: 8
Adjusting hour: 0 pwm: 9

8.5. d : Decrease PWM

The d key will decrease the PWM setting of the currently selected minute or hour. Decreasing the PWM setting will move the needle to the left.

Adjusting hour: 0 pwm: 10
Adjusting hour: 0 pwm: 9

8.6. n : Next hour/minute PWM

The n key will select the next hour in one-hour increments or the next minute in five-minute increments.

Adjusting hour: 0 pwm: 9
Adjusting hour: 1 pwm: 27

8.7. p : Previous hour/minute PWM

The p key will select the previous hour in one-hour increments or the previous minute in five-minute increments.

Adjusting hour: 5 pwm: 102
Adjusting hour: 4 pwm: 82

8.8. c : change color mode

The c key will allow you to select the color mode of the NeoPixel.

Mode 0

No color

The NeoPixel will not light.

Mode 1

Fixed color

You can set the color value for each of the red, green and blue leds from 0 to 255.

Mode 2

Color Wheel

The NeoPixel will rotate slowly through the colors in the color wheel.

Mode 3


The NeoPixel will be set to the color and relative brightness of the sky according to the calculated position of the sun.

Mode 4


The NeoPixel will be set to the color and relative brightness of the sun according to the calculated position of the sun.

Select color mode:
0 - None.
1 - Fixed Color.
2 - Color Wheel.
3 - Sky.
4 - Sun.
?1 Fixed
Value for Red (0-255) ? 16
Value for Green (0-255) ? 0
Value for Blue (0-255) ? 0
Adjusting hour: 4 pwm: 82

8.9. s : Sweep minutes

The s key will sweep the needle of the MINUTE meter slowly through its range.

8.10. t : Set time

The t key will allow you to set the clocks time, date, time zone offset and indicate if Daylight saving time is observed in the clocks location. Use 24-hour time for the hours. Use negative values for west time zones and positive values for east time zones.

Enter new time or press ESC to quit.
Hour (0-23) ? 21
Minute (0-59) ? 35
GMT offset (-West) ? -7
DST Observed (0-No,1-Yes) ? 1
4-digit year ? 2020
month ? 5
day ? 12
Adjusting hour: 4 pwm: 82

8.11. l : Set location

The l key will allow you to set the Latitude and Longitude of your location. Use positive values for north latitudes and negative values for south latitudes. Use negative numbers for west longitudes and positive values for east longitudes.

Enter new location or press ESC to quit.
Latitude (+N)? 46.21831
Longitude (-W)? -119.23887
Adjusting hour: 4 pwm: 82

8.12. w : Write to EEPROM

The w key will write the current configuration to the EEPROM memory.


// Your calibration values are:

uint8_t HOURS_CAL[13] = {
    8, 27, 45, 64, 82, 102, 119, 136, 154, 171, 190, 207, 227

int MINUTES_CAL[61] = {
      96,  129,  162,  195,  228,  264,  296,  328,  360,  392,
     428,  460,  492,  524,  556,  590,  622,  654,  686,  718,
     754,  785,  816,  847,  878,  911,  943,  975, 1007, 1039,
    1074, 1105, 1136, 1167, 1198, 1232, 1262, 1292, 1322, 1352,
    1386, 1415, 1444, 1473, 1502, 1535, 1564, 1593, 1622, 1651,
    1684, 1714, 1744, 1774, 1804, 1838, 1868, 1898, 1928, 1958,
Adjusting hour: 0 pwm: 8

8.13. q : Quit menu

Exiting menu...